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Monday, April 27, 2009

Is Myotherapy Another Series of Acupressure?

What is Myotherapy?

Myotherapy is a 'trigger point' therapy. It involves pressing on small, constricted, sore points that trigger pain in areas away from the points. For example, a tense, painful know of muscles in the neck might cause pain in the head. In this case, myotherapy would involve pressing on the knotted neck muscles to decrease pain in the head.

Myotherapy was developed by prominent physical therapist Bonnie Prudden in 1976. It is very similar to acupressure. The main difference between acupressure and myotherapy is that myotherapy is based upon manipulation of muscle and acupressure is based upon nerves and energy meridians.

How are Trigger Points Defused?

To defuse "trigger points," pressure is applied to the muscle for several seconds by means of fingers, knuckles and elbows. The success of this method depends on the use of specific corrective exercise for the freed muscles.

How are Trigger Points created?

It is believed that Trigger Points are created by injuries, muscle strain and emotional stress. Sometimes trigger points can lie dormant and don't cause pain until they are activated by physical or emotional stress.

Will the Trigger Points go away?

Yes. Through many sessions of myotherapy, trigger points can be eliminated. It is important to take preventative measures like muscle stretching and decreasing stress to keep trigger points from returning.


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